четверг, 15 октября 2009 г.

Классическая статья по STM.

Language Support for Lightweight transactions - одна из самых цитируемых статей по STM(Software Transactional Memory).

Если кто заинтересуется, возможно, есть смысл посмотреть и другие статьи от Tim Harris (я их не смотрел):
"Selected work:

* Tim Harris. Language constructs for transactional memory (or: transactional memory and atomic blocks are not the same thing) Invited talk, POPL, January 2009

* Martín Abadi, Tim Harris, Mojtaba Mehrara. Transactional memory with strong atomicity using off-the-shelf memory protection hardware PPoPP, February 2009

* Martín Abadi, Andrew Birrell, Tim Harris, Michael Isard. Semantics of Transactional Memory and Automatic Mutual Exclusion POPL 2008

* Tim Harris, Satnam Singh. Feedback directed implicit parallelism ICFP 2007

* Keir Fraser, Tim Harris. Concurrent programming without locks ACM TOCS, May 2007

* Miguel Castro, Manuel Costa, Tim Harris. Securing software by enforcing data-flow integrity OSDI 2006

* Tim Harris, Mark Plesko, Avraham Shinnar, David Tarditi. Optimizing Memory Transactions PLDI 2006

* Tim Harris, Simon Marlow, Simon Peyton-Jones, Maurice Herlihy. Composable memory transactions PPoPP 2005"

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