среда, 10 марта 2010 г.

HotSpot Glossary of Terms

HotSpot Glossary of Terms:
- adaptive spinning
- biased locking
- block start table
- bootstrap classloader
- bytecode verification
- C1 compiler
- C2 compiler
- card table
- class data sharing
- class hierachy analysis(CHA)

- code cache
- compaction
- concurrency
- concurrent garbage collection
- copying garbage collection
- deoptimization
- dependency
- eden
- free list
- garbage collection
- garbage collection root
- GC map
- generational garbage collection
- handle
- hot lock
- interpreter
- JIT compilers
- klass pointer
- mark word
- nmethod
- object header
- object promotion
- old generation
- on-stack replacement
- oop
- parallel classloading
- parallel garbage collection
- permanent generation
- remembered set
- safepoint
- sea-of-nodes
- Serviceability Agent (SA)
- stackmap
- StackMapTable
- survivor space
- synchronization
- uncommon trap
- verifier
- VM Operations
- write barrier
- young generation

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